About Natalie Fallbach

Natalie Fallbach, is a mortgage broker licensed to practice business in New Mexico

Natalie entered the real estate and financial world after getting her degree from Western State Colorado University in Management in the early 2000s.

As the daughter of two military parents, she knew the importance of the world “home”. She believes that putting down roots is essential to living a happy life and she is proud she can help her clients achieve this by helping them purchase their first, second or investment properties.

“Nothing is more rewarding to me than watching people’s eyes light up when the get the keys to their new home and a new chapter of their life begins”

Natalie loves stories and each client has a unique one. These stories are the driving force behind what drives Natalie to be great at what she does.

No client is the same and everyone has a different tale to tell. Those are the details she finds most important when shopping for the best program and rate for her clients.

Natalie has over 250 different banks she will consider before she selects the perfect fit for her clients. Her clients’ stories help her decide on the best program so her clients can worry about finding the right property and not stress he financial side. She worries about that, so her clients do not have to.

When Natalie isn’t working on helping her clients with finding the best mortgage for them, she enjoys hanging out with her young daughter, veteran husband, two dogs and her chickens on her 4-acre property in the east mountains of New Mexico. She enjoys visiting her family often in Colorado, fishing and attempting to teach her young daughter how to ski.

If you would like to get in touch with Natalie, she would be thrilled to hear your story and find ways she can help you purchase your first or next home.

Natalie Fallbach
Mortgage Loan Officer